
At inöuqa, the desire to have a positive impact on our society and our planet has been present since the very beginning.

Now, let’s be honest with you, economic reality doesn’t always make it easy to realize this ambition. Nevertheless, we do our utmost to contribute intelligently and follow the path of eco-responsibility, keeping in mind continuous improvement wherever possible. We’re already proud to show you how we’re doing our bit.


We've said it before, but we'll say it again here: the general idea is to make a toy to consume fewer toys. Paradoxical, isn't it?

Well, not really. Our aim is to offer an innovative solution, both in the choice of materials and in its design, so that it withstands the seasons and children’s development. A toy designed to support their psychomotor and cognitive development, and a modular, renewable toy with infinite possibilities, ideal to remain attractive, fun, and stimulating in their eyes throughout childhood. A toy that can be passed down from sibling to sibling, from family to family; a toy that goes back to school again and again; a toy that children won’t tire of in a hurry… Durable, in every sense of the word.


On this point, we were dreaming of 100% green or recycled materials. This is not the case, we admit.

To respect the game concept that we wanted to offer you (qualitative, light, robust, secure, durable, non-toxic…) and to make it good to industrialize and marketable, we made intermediate choices. And we’re already happy to offer something better than most toys on the market.

Our units are made from EPP (expanded polypropylene) foam, a material renowned for its low environmental impact, strength and resilience. Our plugs, meanwhile, are made from PP (polypropylene) plastic. Both materials are 100% recyclable and reusable. Our packaging is also 100% recyclable. So, it’s not perfect… but it’s not so bad, is it?

French manufacturing

It was an imperative for us to produce in France to limit our impact on the environment and promote French skills.

Trying to control our transport emissions and highlight our know-how. Here too, we are not beyond reproach, since some raw materials are sourced outside Europe, simply because they are not available on the Continent. This is the case for magnets, which come from Asia. EPP, on the other hand, comes from Germany. Secondly, manufacturing is 100% French: your toys are produced near Grenoble, while the plugs are molded near Annecy. Packaging are made and printed near Roanne, not far from Lyon. Our R&D is carried out near Annecy, with a complement in Rennes. A few kilometers on the odometer to reach our destination, but the feeling of duty accomplished with this “Made in France” banner.


Very early on, we wanted to integrate this dimension into our projects, both upstream and downstream.

First, at the end of the chain, because we designed this toy for all child profiles, especially those with attention, concentration, or psychomotor difficulties. An original, innovative solution with therapeutic benefits for healthcare professionals. A gender-neutral tool capable of stimulating motor skills, agility, dexterity, spatial geometry, rigor, creativity, and freedom of action… This commitment to inclusion is also reflected in our corporate DNA, where our recruitment processes are 100% open, and all applications are considered on an equal basis. Strength through diversity!

Sustainable consumption

This society of over-consumption is no longer sustainable. We know this.

The toy market is no exception: too many ephemeral gadgets, too much zapping, too many toys gathering dust in cupboards, too many, too many… So, to do something about it, we have opted for a production philosophy that is as close as possible to demand, enabling us to manufacture the right quantities, limit stocks, offer fair prices, optimize deliveries and get you emotionally involved in the act of buying. This toy has a value – economic, emotional, temporal. It’s not intended to be available everywhere, all the time. This approach is ideal for young companies like ours to stabilize, and for consumers to become involved and fully aware of their purchase. It’s an effective way of doing less harm to our planet by thinking about both production and the way we consume.

Societal impact

The figures vary from study to study. Whatever the case, they are all extremely worrying.

Children’s average screen time is exploding, while their motor, cognitive and creative development is rapidly regressing. We can also add that the younger generation seems increasingly dependent on adults in their search for activity and entertainment: they no longer know how to be bored, and rarely find their own solutions to amusement, even though these are essential stages in the construction of a path from childhood to adulthood. It’s a disturbing fact. So how can we reverse the trend? That’s partly why we came up with inöuqa: to offer them an alternative to screens, a toy capable of stimulating their imagination, motor skills and independence. It’s a way for them to stay children for a while longer, and to get their brains and bodies working in a playful way. A collaborative game that encourages sharing and team spirit, to grasp the notion of the individual and the group. Humbly, this is what inöuqa is all about: making a positive contribution for future generations!

Well-being at work

Here too, it's a vast project... We've noticed something common to all our past professional experiences: well-being at work is an essential issue, often underestimated and mistreated.

In fact, it has clearly become a social issue. We’re not saying that no company pays attention to it or does anything about it, but based on our own experience, we’ve set ourselves the goal of treating our employees better than we have in the past. First and foremost, a caring and facilitating corporate culture; secondly, optimized working conditions adapted to each profession and profile; thirdly, a 4-day working week to ensure a good work/life balance… In all circumstances, we consider people to ensure their motivation and health, both physical and mental, while guaranteeing their effectiveness in their missions.


We are not alone in this adventure, and it is important to us that our partners and service providers share our vision and values.

We believe that the CSR policies, corporate values and strategic orientations of each partner will be important in the choice of our fellow travelers. In a way, this is our recipe for consolidating our own approach on the scale of our eco-system, a way for us to be strong collectively and preserve inöuqa from contradictory and incompatible messages.


At inöuqa, the desire to have a positive impact on our society and our planet has been present since the very beginning.

Now, let’s be honest with you, economic reality doesn’t always make it easy to realize this ambition. Nevertheless, we do our utmost to contribute intelligently and follow the path of eco-responsibility, keeping in mind continuous improvement wherever possible. We’re already proud to show you how we’re doing our bit.

We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again here: the general idea is to make a toy to consume fewer toys. Paradoxical, isn’t it? Well, not really. Our aim is to offer an innovative solution, both in the choice of materials and in its design, so that it withstands the seasons and children’s development. A toy designed to support their psychomotor and cognitive development, and a modular, renewable toy with infinite possibilities, ideal to remain attractive, fun, and stimulating in their eyes throughout childhood. A toy that can be passed down from sibling to sibling, from family to family; a toy that goes back to school again and again; a toy that children won’t tire of in a hurry… Durable, in every sense of the word.

On this point, we were dreaming of 100% green or recycled materials. This is not the case, we admit. To respect the game concept that we wanted to offer you (qualitative, light, robust, secure, durable, non-toxic…) and to make it good to industrialize and marketable, we made intermediate choices. And we’re already happy to offer something better than most toys on the market.

Our units are made from EPP (expanded polypropylene) foam, a material renowned for its low environmental impact, strength and resilience. Our plugs, meanwhile, are made from PP (polypropylene) plastic. Both materials are 100% recyclable and reusable. Our decorations and packaging are also 100% recyclable. So, it’s not perfect… but it’s not so bad, is it?

It was an imperative for us to produce in France to limit our impact on the environment and promote French skills. Trying to control our transport emissions and highlight our know-how. Here too, we are not beyond reproach, since some raw materials are sourced outside Europe, simply because they are not available on the Continent. This is the case for magnets, which come from Asia. EPP, on the other hand, comes from Germany. Secondly, manufacturing is 100% French: your toys are produced near Grenoble, while the plugs are molded near Annecy. Decorations and packaging are made and printed near Roanne, not far from Lyon. Our R&D is carried out near Annecy, with a complement in Rennes. A few kilometers on the odometer to reach our destination, but the feeling of duty accomplished with this “Made in France” banner.

Very early on, we wanted to integrate this dimension into our projects, both upstream and downstream. First, at the end of the chain, because we designed this toy for all child profiles, especially those with attention, concentration, or psychomotor difficulties. An original, innovative solution with therapeutic benefits for healthcare professionals. A gender-neutral tool capable of stimulating motor skills, agility, dexterity, spatial geometry, rigor, creativity, and freedom of action… At the same time, we have also integrated people with disabilities into the production process, helping us with module assembly, packaging, order tracking and shipping. This commitment to inclusion is also reflected in our corporate DNA, where our recruitment processes are 100% open, and all applications are considered on an equal basis. Strength through diversity!

This society of over-consumption is no longer sustainable. We know this. The toy market is no exception: too many ephemeral gadgets, too much zapping, too many toys gathering dust in cupboards, too many, too many… So, to do something about it, we’ve opted for a pre-order system that enables us to produce the right quantities, limit stocks, offer fair prices, optimize deliveries and get you emotionally involved in the act of buying. This toy has a value – economic, emotional, temporal. It’s not intended to be available everywhere, all the time. Pre-ordering is an ideal way for young companies like ours to stabilize, and for consumers to become involved and fully aware of their purchase. It’s an effective way of doing less harm to our planet by thinking about both production and the way we consume.

The figures vary from study to study. Whatever the case, they are all extremely worrying. Children’s average screen time is exploding, while their motor, cognitive and creative development is rapidly regressing. We can also add that the younger generation seems increasingly dependent on adults in their search for activity and entertainment: they no longer know how to be bored, and rarely find their own solutions to amusement, even though these are essential stages in the construction of a path from childhood to adulthood. It’s a disturbing fact. So how can we reverse the trend? That’s partly why we came up with inöuqa: to offer them an alternative to screens, a toy capable of stimulating their imagination, motor skills and independence. It’s a way for them to stay children for a while longer, and to get their brains and bodies working in a playful way. A collaborative game that encourages sharing, collaboration and team spirit, to grasp the notion of the individual and the group. Humbly, this is what inöuqa is all about: making a positive contribution for future generations!

Here too, it’s a vast project… We’ve noticed something common to all our past professional experiences: well-being at work is an essential issue, often underestimated and mistreated. In fact, it has clearly become a social issue. We’re not saying that no company pays attention to it or does anything about it, but based on our own experience, we’ve set ourselves the goal of treating our employees better than we have in the past. First and foremost, a caring and facilitating corporate culture; secondly, optimized working conditions adapted to each profession and profile; thirdly, a 4-day working week to ensure a good work/life balance… In all circumstances, we consider people to ensure their motivation and health, both physical and mental, while guaranteeing their effectiveness in their missions.

We are not alone in this adventure, and it is important to us that our partners and service providers share our vision and values. We believe that the CSR policies, corporate values and strategic orientations of each partner will be important in the choice of our fellow travelers. In a way, this is our recipe for consolidating our own approach on the scale of our eco-system, a way for us to be strong collectively and preserve inöuqa from contradictory and incompatible messages.